Aug 6, 2013

NARFE Seeks Adjustment of Phased Retirement

"...Two federal-employee groups want to expand the government’s new phased-retirement program to more federal workers, but they disagree about the program’s proposed mentoring requirements.

The National Treasury Employees Union and the National Active and Retired Federal Employees association last week recommended changes to the draft rules in letters to the Office of Personnel Management, which is taking suggestions until Aug. 5 before implementing the program.

By law, phased retirement will allow federal employees to work part-time after the age of retirement while receiving partial annuities and continuing to pay toward their benefits. But OPM has to work out the more granular details of the program.

NTEU and NARFE, which support phased retirement, have raised concerns about a proposed rule that would limit eligibility to workers with 20 or more years of service with the federal government..."


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