"...The new Roth TSP will be a good option for many federal employees, particularly young people who are just beginning a career in Uncle Sam's service...
"When you think about the salary of a federal employee in their twenties or thirties today versus what their salary and even what their benefits will be many years later in retirement, clearly they're probably at their lowest tax bracket now than they will be later on in retirement," Redden said.
"The long-term effect is, quite honestly, that — by putting money into the TSP Roth now — that could really grow to a huge amount of tax-free income later on in retirement," he added..."
"When you think about the salary of a federal employee in their twenties or thirties today versus what their salary and even what their benefits will be many years later in retirement, clearly they're probably at their lowest tax bracket now than they will be later on in retirement," Redden said.
"The long-term effect is, quite honestly, that — by putting money into the TSP Roth now — that could really grow to a huge amount of tax-free income later on in retirement," he added..."